Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Twenty Things To Know To Get Your Dog On TV



  (or movies, or commercials, or...)  

Do you think your dog has star potential? Are you interested in the possibility of doing commercial work with your pup but aren’t sure whether it’s right for you? Do you need some pointers about how to start?

This is an article that describes some of the basics of commercial work and how to make the most out of the opportunities that might be granted to you. It will touch on how to get started in the industry, what sort of training might be required, things to remember and the nitty-gritty aspects of working in it.

Commercial work takes many forms: still images for print or online, digital media, television, theatre, movies and more. For some projects, dogs or other animals may feature prominently; for others, they may exist in the background to add depth to a scene.  The end products can vary widely, but there are some common themes that run throughout the work.

This article is based predominantly on my own experiences; I welcome those who have their own to share as well in the comments below.